Sunday 28 September 2008

Getting back into the swing of things.

I admit, it has been too long. I apologize. I have started collage again and am now just getting back into the swing of things, even though waking up at 6 (yes, I realize i said 6.30 before, but now the trains aren't working until November so it takes me an EXTRA long time to get to Ealing) is still, and always will be, the hardest thing I'm ever going to have to do.
My work load os mounting up, but I still must regain time to catch up with the internet, namely, blogging / vlogging emails, etc.
I made a new video yesterday for youtube, and thought it time to update my blog, too, as you are equally as important [:
If you want to check out my videos, most likely because you're bored of reading waffle and just want to sit back, relax and LISTEN to me waffle instead, visit and check me out!
Speak soon.

Zulu. Sophie.


  1. Hey, welcome to the blogging world! :)

    I'm subbed to your vids on YouTube (irishpiratejellybean, the one with the weird, irrelevant sims2 avatar), and I saw you had a blog. So I just thought I'd say hi and stuff.

    So, er, hi!

  2. Hey, thanks.
    Sorry for the late reply, i completely forgot i had this blogging thing, but im going to get back into it. its a good way to get more involved with my subscribers :)
    you might also wanna start following me on twitter. feel free!

