Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Moving Out

Yesterday I went to Bath to visit the campus one more time before I move there permanently. I was put into a group of three other girls and driven to houses, which I was told I was to chose one with the other three and put payment down for it immediately. I was not aware this was what was on the agenda... I was speechless! I wanted a place so badly and the three girls seemed lovely so I was soon taken out of my shock and began feeling a little more excited.
The first two houses were pretty bland; cheap furnishings, small rooms. I fell in love with the third property before the door was even opened. There's a small path leading down to it. Inside there are 4 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a abthroom with shower and bath, a conservatory, an airing cupboard and a lovely big garden with a shed and a back passageway at the end. It's a beautiful old building with a butlers sink in the kitchen and wooden floors (which are sadly being carpeted as we speak to make the house warmer in the winter months). Every room is a generous size. It's idyllic.
Of course everyone wanted the master bedroom (which is enormous!), so we wrote down the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 on pieces of paper and each took one (not knowing what number we were getting). I picked number one, so I had first choice. Fantastic! Humongous room it is.
The house is right next to bus stops (but seeing as we're down a path it wont be loud =]) and shops including a wine shop, health food shops, a new sainsbury's and some antique shops. It's also 5 minutes away my Uncle Rob's house who I hardly ever see because of the distance (he'll not be able to escape me now!).
We went back to the agency, read through the terms and conditions and signed some papers. Sadly, when I got home I got a message from Tasha (one of the house sharers) saying she couldn't afford it and is going to be living at home instead (Bristol). I've found a new girl who wants to share who Jess, Beth (the other two housemates) and I will be meeting tomorrow at the agency when we go and make out first months deposit.
I'm too excited for words. I want to move in there right away! I'm planning to go in 2 weeks (Sept. 7th) as long as everything runs smoothly and I have all my finances sorted.
I'm the happiest girl in the world.

Friday, 14 August 2009


I've had enough of living here, now. It seems every day is just an unsettling length of time before I start my life. Going to uni will give me the chance to start afresh and recreate myself. I can't wait to meet wholly new people and live beside people my own age - (as of now it seems as if the world is filled with pensioners and angry pre-teen delinquents).
I'm fed up with everything - this house, my parents, my friends, my clothes, my city...
There is nothing holding me back from moving on completely to a whole other life. Of course there'll be moments when I look back and fondly reminisce, but I don't think I'll be missing anything any time soon.

People promise to keep in contact and I know they wont. I wont blame them, either. I think I'd rather them not. Not that I don't love them, but I'm truly ready to move on.

Just waiting...

Friday, 10 July 2009

It's been a while.

I've decided to start this blog up again (as I had unintentionally forgotten about it).
Summer has started =] (in London this means less rain than normal, although this week it's been thunder and hailing like a maniac). My life is looking amazing at the moment - summer holidays are here (sun, festivals, BBQs, beaches, camping, parties, ice cream, dresses, swimming, picnics... all my favorite things!) and come September I'll be going to University (touch wood).

I couldn't be happier.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


I'm going to be 18 in 7 days. I'm abundantly excited! I'll be eligible to vote, drink, drive, smoke - not much of a change, granted, but it'll be nice to know I don't have to run from the popo under a lot of circumstances any longer.
I just got a fringe a couple of days ago. As if i didn't look young enough as it is. I swear I look no older than 13. It's meant to be a riot offering real ID when asked for it at a pub / club / whatever, but I'm clearly going to be asked every time for the next 5+ years. It's anticipated to be a very tiresome situation.
I've also been ill for the past few weeks on and off and am just coming down from a very rambunctious flu, being left with an unyielding cough. Not such a good start to Spring, but at least it'll all be over with my my birthday, (although I hope i didn't just jinx it).
As you all know, (or should know), DeLane left VlogCountries a while ago, so we've been searching for a new Tuesday. We've yet to find someone who is from another country, speaks English and is willing to post a video once a week for our collab, but we're holding high hopes. Stephen is moving house, but sadly had no internet connection where he is going. We are unsure of how long this will last, but for the mean time it looks as though we're just left with three: Amy, Lorcan and I. If anyone is interested in filling in for Stephen once, twice or more, let us know. If you want to become a permanent member of VlogCountries and find yourself at a loss for something to entertain yourself with on Tuesdays, let us know =]

- Sophie

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Daily Booth

I've signed u and started capturing =]
It's awesome... go and get an account if you haven't already.
Planning to make at least two videos this week for my channel... it's been over two months since I've made one and I feel terrible.
Love you all.


Monday, 2 February 2009


It's snowing! In London!
I can't remember having snow here. And it's not stopping. There are inches out there!
I know, if you live in certain parts of America or Canada this seems superfluous, but this is London. All it ever does in London is rain and fog. This is magical stuff I'm talking about.
Too bad I'm ill, so unable to celebrate with my mates :(
I've got a bad chest infection so have to stay in doors. I thought it was okay because at lease I didn't have to attend college on today (monday), but it was cancelled and everyone is off the the parks.
Ah well, if it keeps at this rate there will be snow for weeks :)

- Sophie

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Makeup Vlog Request

I've had loads of requests to do a vlog about how I do my makeup, particularly the eyes.
I am, of course, going to oblige, as I love all of my wonderful subscribers and will do as thy ask (within a broad, but marginally ruled, spectrum, understandably).
I was taken by surprise even after the first request, though. I didn't I had great makeup 'skills' (?), but thank you to all those people who seem to think so! :)
I'll be making a tutorial video soon.


Saturday, 10 January 2009


I'm catching the January sales for the first time in my life today :)
Yes, this is shocking coming from someone who's life happiness comes from purchasing new items, particularly clothing.
I can't wait.
Also, I'm going with my two girly best mates, who I haven't been out with in the longest time. I usually go shopping with guys, they tend to move a little faster, which is what I like! However, there is a huge exception to this rule of thumb, and that comes when they're buying something THEY want. They tend to spend more times than girls. Thus proving the long debated argument of women knowing exactly what they want and men just flouncing about.

I like flouncing.